Can you name all 26 movies?

[104-365] Perfect puzzle!

Image by Beatriz AG via Flickr

This is a tricky little blighter. A real puzzle. I like to think of myself as a wee bit knowledgable on movies, simply from sitting and watching so many of them. But whilst I think I’ve seen my fair share, I have to admit, this competition has got me totally-tripping-out stumped.  

Here’s a link to the video so you can see what I’m talking about:

And here’s the one’s I’ve got so far:

1 Goldfinger (Possibly… Could be another Bond movie…)
2 Edward Scissorhands
3 Dr Zhivago
4 Up
5 Monty Python’s Life of Brian
6 ? (possibly Godfather)
7 The Usual Suspects
8 The Birds
9 Back to the Future
10 The Big Lebowski
11 Indiana Jones Temple of Doom (or is it Raiders of the Lost Ark?)
12 ?
13 Airplane
14 ?
15 Shawshank Redemption
16 ?
17 Mullholland Drive
18 American Beauty
19 The Blair Witch Project
20 The Matrix
21 Pan’s Labryinth
22 Singing in the Rain (?)
23 Chariots of Fire (?)
24 Silence of the Lambs
25 Borat
26 Groundhog Day

Tricky, tricky, tricky…