‘Flight of the Conchords’ Brett McKenzie Singing With Muppets?

Yes that’s right, well sort of. Brett McKenzie, the short half of the FOTC double team, has signed on as music supervisor for the new Muppet movie (of which it really doesn’t have a name). Sounds like Jason Segal who’s co-writing the film with his Forgetting Sarah Marshall buddy, Nicholas Stollen (hmmm stollen cake… What? It IS Christmas you know…), is sorting out some tuneage too. The ultimate pair of musical buddies, or just a weird combo? I don’t like it when my favourite folk parody band go their separate ways, it hasn’t worked so far. They’re one couple that work better together. But that’s just my Meg side rearing its curly-haired head.

Click here for more info from The Film Stage.

‘Tree of Life’ Trailer: Roots Run Deep…

Terence Malik must be one hell of a soulful man. Now I’ll admit, I’m all for pondering (wo)man’s place on earth, and connection to nature etc etc, but The Thin Red Line had me as bored as a cucumber waiting to be used in a sandwich (it’s not the first salad item you think of adding is it?). Anyway, I still like to try to find my deep affinity with life and so on, so things like Malik‘s trailer for Tree of Life will constantly appeal to me. Plus I’m not going to lie to you, I’m a Brad Pitt fan (seriously, who isn’t?), and a Sean Penn fan (seriously, who is?), and this new woman who everyone is currently talking about (A LOT) Jessica Chastain doesn’t look half bad either. So, what’s there to complain about? Nowt.

Check out the trailer below and get familiar.

Video of the Day: 2010 Movie Mash Up

Gen I – you’re a frickin super video-editing genius.

My video of the day, probably of the week, is this Filmography 2010, masterfully put together by Gen I.

I love the combination of awesome tracks killer clips, and a little bit of “oh no he didn’t, put that in there did he?” scenes. Yeah, okay some folks have point out that a few of the films were really released in 2009, and yeah there may be four too many clips of Iron Man 2. But so what? I’m not bovvered, are you?

Anyway, click play to enjoy. If a little tear wells up in your dry eyes, then post a comment to show your MASSIVE or minute appreciation.

Hey, Hobbit man of Hobbiton! Get a starting date already. Jeez

Dustcover of the first edition of The Hobbit. ...

Image via Wikipedia

Finally it was reported this week, Peter Jackson has relented and has said a massive ‘Yay!’* to directing The Hobbit. Woopah! Warner Brothers/New Line have given the greenlight for production to start. Unfortunately no-one seems to want to give a when… This is just my shout out to say, ‘Get A Move On People!’ I know there are things going on beyond my control, New Zealand union representation of actors and all that jizzle. But come on, the people want another LOTR themed movie. Don’t leave it so long that we’ll be buying concession tickets to see the movie. Please?

*Word and enthusiasm may not have exactly been ‘Yay!’. Nor would it necessarily have been massive.

Scream 4 trailer is looking pretty fly, for a black and white masked guy…

Cover of "Scream Trilogy - Boxed Set"

Cover of Scream Trilogy - Boxed Set

Note: This post is going to contain a lot of Screams


This week the Scream Awards took place, and who better to be attending than Wes Craven and the cast of, yep you guessed it, Scream. The long anticipated 4th movie in the franchise has just recently wrapped filming, and as such the makers wanted to treat Scream Award goers with the chance to see the world premiere trailer.

I’m a big fan of Scream and as sequels go, two and three weren’t that bad. Especially with a couple of beers and a few bowls of popcorn on a lonely Friday night (yes I do have them, sigh). This sneak peek looks to me like it could be a fun, blood-bath of a romp. As long as they’re sticking to the original premise then fair dos, it can’t be worse than the others. One thing I am surprised about though is that Neve Campbell‘s is returning. Surely her vocal chords should have exploded by now from the amount of bellowing she’s had to do during her film career.

One of the most talked about celebrities right now, Hayden Panettiere, has joined the cast this time around. Thrusting off the cheerleader outfit and donning a more geeky one (although I don’t see her as being very convincing as a nerd – she’s too hawt… Not that nerds can’t be hawt. Okay I’m digging a hole now) she squares up against the old timers (in Scream terms) David Arquette and Courtney Cox. Let’s hope they can all hold onto that parodic cheesy horror flick typeset for another year.

Here’s the trailer, filmed by a women with a friend who likes to give her the shakes.
